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  • 京东
  • 2022-06-06 17:44
  • 30
摘要:母婴均可使用,安全又放心,温和不伤手,漂洗也很方便,适合都市群体,专为手洗设计,温和更专业。 该款恒源祥洗衣液目前已有5200+人评价 ,获得了99%的好评率 ,评价其舒
推荐理由:母婴均可使用,安全又放心,温和不伤手,漂洗也很方便,适合都市群体,专为手洗设计,温和更专业。 该款恒源祥洗衣液目前已有5200+人评价 ,获得了99%的好评率 ,评价其舒适柔软,清新好闻,文艺清新
恒源祥 羊绒洗涤剂洗衣液 洗护香波柔顺剂 300ml
5200+评论 99%好评
评价1:很喜欢在东东上网购 真的不错的 比其他网店实在 服务好 好喜欢 还会介绍朋友来 非常感谢京东商城给予的优质的服务,从仓储管理、物流配送等各方面都是做的非常好的。送货及时,配送员也非常的热情,有时候不方便收件的时候,也安排时间另行配送。同时京东商城在售后管理上也非常好的,以解客户忧患,排除万难。给予我们非常好的购物体验。 Thank you very much for the excellent service provided by Jingdong mall, and it is very good to do in warehouse management, logistics, distribution and so on. Delivery in a timely manner, distribution staff is also very enthusiastic, and sometimes inconvenient to receive the time, but also arranged for time to be delivered. At the same time in the mall management Jingdong customer service is also very good, to solve customer suffering, overcome all difficulties. Give us a very good shopping experience
评价2:非常感谢京东商城给予的优质的服务,从仓储管理、物流配送等各方面都是做的非常好的。送货及时,配送员也非常的热情,有时候不方便收件的时候,也安排时间另行配送。同时京东商城在售后管理上也非常好的,以解客户忧患,排除万难。给予我们非常好的购物体验。 Thank you very much for the excellent service provided by Jingdong mall, and it is very good to do in warehouse management, logistics, distribution and so on. Delivery in a timely manner, distribution staff is also very enthusiastic, and sometimes inconvenient to receive the time, but also arranged for time to be delivered. At the same time in the mall management Jingdong cust